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Member Benefits

Individual Membership

Individual members enjoy supporting CPWP's ongoing efforts and latest discoveries, along with:

  • free or discounted tickets to CPWP events,

  • free admission to museums and historical societies through our Museum Partners. For a full list, see our Museum Partners page

  • access to members-only online content, including an archive of bi-monthly digital newsletter Plaster Bits, as well as the newly available Virtual Museum of Painted Walls.

Patron Membership

Patron members enjoy supporting CPWP's ongoing efforts and latest discoveries and all the benefits of Individual membership as listed above, as well as: ​


  • listing in the CPWP Annual Report


Sustaining Member​

Sustaining Members enjoy CPWP’s ongoing efforts and help increase the work of the Center support the latest educational efforts and discoveries along with all the benefits of Individual membership as listed above, as well as:


  • listing in the CPWP Annual Report


Benefactor Membership

Benefactors are loyal supporting members of CPWP with a financial commitment of $500 on an annual basis. Their dedication reflects the support to our research and ongoing educational projects and includes all the benefits of Individual membership, as listed above, as well as: ​


  • listing in the CPWP Annual Report



Champion Membership

Champion members are loyal supporting members of CPWP with a financial commitment of $1000 or more on an annual basis. As the highest tier of membership, champions make the biggest impact to our research and ongoing educational projects. Champion membership includes all the benefits of Benefactor membership.

Stewards Circle Membership

Exclusively for owners of painted walls registered with the CPWP.

Stewards Circle members enjoy supporting CPWP's ongoing efforts and latest discoveries. They receive all the benefits of Individual membership, as listed above, as well as: ​

  • CPWP certificate of wall registration


Young Professional Membership

Must provide proof of current or recent (within 5 years) place of study. 

Young Professional members enjoy supporting CPWP's ongoing efforts and latest discoveries and all the benefits of Individual membership, as listed above.


If you prefer to join by mail... a membership form and mail it, along with a check payable to "The Center for Painted Wall Preservation" to CPWP Treasurer, CPWP Treasurer, P.O.Box 187, Hallowell, ME 04347.

© The Center for Painted Wall Preservation
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